Saturday, January 7, 2012


Have been calibrating the energy daily for a long time.  Interesting as it was around the October shift, the time since then has been difficult to follow.  I have concluded that the energy is indeed expanding now.  From March of 2011, the energy followed a regular pattern of compression up until the end of October, went into a sort of limbo, and now is following a pattern of sorts, expanding with jolts and slippage and overlapping. 

This makes me think that our intentional thought and happenings around the planet may be affecting the 4th dimension and our progress.  We may be experiencing some convergence of time realities, with some flickering back and forth.   I know we find what we are looking for according to The Law of Attraction, and suggest that we determine more clearly where we are headed, form collective intentions, hold common vision, etc., to help us navigate these times more easily.  I believe that this calendar is a way to accomplish this.

New Post  January 29
I believe that my sequence is correct because today is Tone 11 and for the last three waves the energy of Tone 11 has been clear.  We look at what is not working for us and leave that behind as we go into "Flower of Life" energy to spiral into the next wave.  Enjoy the ride.

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