Saturday, April 7, 2012

More changes

Two energetic flips in March!  The energy is now flowing:  white, red, blue, yellow.  We are entering the Warrior Wave around Easter, the last of the Connecting energies, and will enter into the Portal energy segment April 19, leading to the large fractal shift at the end of June.  Will keep you abreast of any more shifting.
Check out the fractal patterns on my website: 

Lots more shifting happening.  The waves in the portal segment are shortening and the colors are combining, with 2, 3 or 4 days combining into one day.  The shift I expected in June may get here in May.  We seem to have created a green block of 4 days in the middle of the Wave.  Now that we have created three of these blocks, I think we should hold on to our hats, that - or pass on through the green veil and the new portal fractal we are creating.